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What does it mean to be Spiritual?

Spirituality can be understood as a journey to uncover all the veils, ideas, beliefs, and habits that are blocking you from realizing the truth of who you are. It’s a journey that has no end since awakening to many aspects of this creation is endless.

For the mind, spirituality becomes a special trait to attain; it becomes a goal; it becomes a way to separate and label oneself and others, so many ideas, beliefs, and concepts arise in the mind with the idea of spirituality. In essence, for the mind, it becomes a divisive and separate experience.
When you become aware of your whole human experience, all the layers, all the personalities, all the things that live within you that are not your truth, spirituality becomes a piece of returning to your wholeness—the movement of remembering and living from the reality of your being.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

Is it essential to do a spiritual practice to grow?

A spiritual practice is considered an action that should be done daily for an extended period to attain certain benefits, blessings, or results that are beneficial to you. They exist in all traditions and have been present throughout our history. Essentially, spiritual practices are a powerful tool for self-awareness and self-discovery. The mind-ego has difficulty with them since its only focus is on the result. It starts building expectations and ideas, foreshadowing many scenarios around them; for the mind-ego, it’s a building experience of becoming something different.

In reality, your spiritual practice shows you where you are and what’s present within you. It can show you shadow aspects of yourself: frustration, shame, laziness, hubris, and so many other aspects to be seen and integrated. It’s quite a journey if you allow it to be so.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

Why can’t I stop fighting with my body?

Your relationship with your body is not as personal as you believe. It has been engrained by your society, culture, ideals, beliefs, and religious perceptions. For many, the body is something to tame, to control, or to have power over. It has been considered an enemy or the center of your faulty nature; its needs, desires, and wants derailed you from your true spiritual nature. This dichotomy has been prevalent in many religious and spiritual interpretations.

When you realize the true nature of your body as the temple of your soul, it becomes clear that there is a simple essence in your sanctuary. It always holds within itself a clear indicator of what is emerging within you. It is important to see behind the veils of conditioning, expectations, and beliefs that become the jail you unconsciously have created and accepted. There is humbleness in connecting with the body, tending to it, learning from it, and eventually allowing you to connect with your eternal truth.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School


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