
Authenticity starts when you can be truthful about what is inside of you. The mind-ego is always filled with masks and personalities to cover for perceived faults, negative traits, or weaknesses. It’s a denial to yourselves about your reality, moment to moment. On the other hand, authenticity is a return to your wholeness, embracing every aspect of your present nature.

It’s essential to know that authenticity does not imply reactiveness or carelessness. It’s actually a compassionate way of being since you are able to see what is inside of you—really see it deeply, being aware of all the pieces that feel painful or broken, that carry fear or resentment, and so many other things. When you see this, you can experience compassion towards yourself and others.

In reality, being authentic is about being quite natural, at ease, present, and able to experience fully what is happening within you and around you.

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