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Is it essential to be a part of a community to grow?

Understanding the need of others for you to grow spiritually is a powerful and humble understanding in your journey. For the mind, loneliness and solitude feel better suited for this task. Even though moments or periods of being by yourself can be quite helpful and necessary, the truth is that it’s in the daily connection and interaction with others that we can have all the experiences needed for our growth. If left to its own devices, the mind-ego will feel it has attained something and is always right.

For every encounter you have, all the ideas, feelings, emotions, thoughts, and reactions that happen within you – are the best teachers. Your journey accelerates tremendously if you see, witness, and learn from this. And if we can find like-minded people to support our journey, that can also be beneficial. Even though it’s always important to remember that we are all the same and that the differences the mind-ego perceives are just a veil of the truth of it all. So, if you are open, every encounter is a lesson to be experienced, to learn from, and to continue in your journey.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

Is there a final truth to attain?

There is an essential truth about this experience we are all sharing: the truth of who you are. Beyond that, many experiences are permeated by ideas, beliefs, and perceptions. Everything is changing, but at the same time, there is a permanent essence to it all.

The mind-ego is always looking for the ultimate truth, the right way, the way that can be shared with all. In this way, levels, stages, and a real path emerge effortlessly. In reality, there is not much to know; but much to witness.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

How can I enhance my meditation practice?

Having a meditation practice tailored to your needs and characteristics can be quite powerful for your journey. There are so many meditation techniques available today that it is a matter of trying the one that suits you best. Enhancing the meditation practice does not mean meditating even more but incorporating the meditation state of awareness into other aspects of your life. Meditation practices are meant to build up your ability to be present and aware at every moment, not just during the time of your practice.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School


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