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Why can’t I stop fighting with my body?

Your relationship with your body is not as personal as you believe. It has been engrained by your society, culture, ideals, beliefs, and religious perceptions. For many, the body is something to tame, to control, or to have power over. It has been considered an enemy or the center of your faulty nature; its needs, desires, and wants derailed you from your true spiritual nature. This dichotomy has been prevalent in many religious and spiritual interpretations.

When you realize the true nature of your body as the temple of your soul, it becomes clear that there is a simple essence in your sanctuary. It always holds within itself a clear indicator of what is emerging within you. It is important to see behind the veils of conditioning, expectations, and beliefs that become the jail you unconsciously have created and accepted. There is humbleness in connecting with the body, tending to it, learning from it, and eventually allowing you to connect with your eternal truth.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

How do I know if my prayers are listened to?

When connecting with the Divine or Higher Consciousness, the fear of being separate or disconnected always exists. The mind-ego experiences reality as divisive, always understanding me and the other. From this point of view, it’s easy to understand the question of whether your prayers are heard or even of any consequence. Having this doubt sustains the belief of being separate from the Divine.

In reality, we are a part of the Divine, and as a part of it, all our prayers, desires, thoughts, and wishes are always known. It is essential to realize this. The wonderful thing is that the Divine or Higher Consciousness also has higher wisdom within it. So your prayers are heard and always answered, only that this happens in a way that is impossible for the mind-ego to see since it has its ideas, expectations, and the constant need to control.

Yet, for the heart, this is an inalienable truth – and as a result, faith emerges, and you realize prayer is part of being in the natural communion with the Divine.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

How can I listen deeply to my inner wisdom?

Discovering the immense well of wisdom that lies within you is a magical journey to embark on. One of the most powerful ways to deepen your understanding is to harness your capacity for silence. The referenced silence is not the silence that implies a lack of any external words or internal chatter. It is the willingness to listen and witness what is happening within you without getting intensely entangled with it.

In the journey of the inner world, it’s easy to focus on a single experience so the mind can fully understand and deeply comprehend it – its meaning, implications, consequences, and origin. Overcoming this natural mind habit is surrendering to each moment, allowing whatever arises, and continuing to flow with life’s movement.

This silence is the willingness to surrender to whatever is there, to see it for what it is, to learn from it, and, most importantly, to let it go. Wisdom arises for every moment; it’s never a rule or a general formula. It’s just for the moment, and it dissolves when the need is no longer there. Harnessing this internal silence, of making space for it to arise, is a profound gift you can offer yourself in this journey.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School


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