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Can I ever find peace?

Peace is a fascinating journey. First, it’s important to realize how much peace we don’t have. The mind is always picturing you as something different than what is really inside; there is an image or idea it’s sustaining about itself. But in reality, most of the time, we don’t have inner peace even though we try to convince ourselves we do. Realizing that peace is not present and we yearn for it is a pivotal first step. This will ignite the journey of self-discovery that will lead you to your own inner peace.

There is a peace that lies within, and is not the absence of conflict; it can be ever-present, even with conflict. It does not need any particular state or space for it to be there because it is. It’s a peace that emerges with witnessing, and it is fueled by amazement; it is a gift that is part of being. 

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

Why Am I Always Stuck In Fear?

Fear is a natural response of the body when it feels threatened; it’s a biological mechanism that ensures survival. Fear triggers specific chemical reactions in your body for a moment when energy needs to be maximized to face those threats. Most of us have been raised and conditioned with fear being a predominant experience, so it has become naturalized and common. To the extent that we can experience fear when we don’t experience it for some time, wondering if it signals that something will happen and fear will come again, and strangely enough, that feels safe.

Becoming aware of our relationship with fear is the beginning of the journey. Discovering how we are entangled with it and what triggers it and learning different tools that help our nervous system understand that safety can be a natural place of existence is also possible. Fear is not an enemy or a signal that something is wrong with you, it has been a self preserving mechanism in your life and has fulfilled a purpose. There is a moment when you are ready to experience life from a different space, and the whole universe conspires to support your journey.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

Are prayer and intention the same?

In essence, both imply a conversation between the Divine—Higher Consciousness and you—a conversation that involves your body, your mind, and your heart. So, in that regard, they are very similar. Both imply the need to move away from being centered in the mind and move inwards, towards your heart, connecting with your body and having clarity of intention.

A slight difference can be related to a broader experience in your path. Prayer is part of a more devotional path and connection with the Divine. Through this connection, there is a personal relationship with “something higher,” through this relationship, miracles and growth occur. Intentions can be more directed to co-create and co-manifest with Higher Consciousness. Through intentions, there is also growth and miracles. Yet, intentions are more of a communication toward Higher Consciousness, and in prayer, there is also the opening to listen and understand whatever arises in the communication.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School


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