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Is life just about witnessing?

Moving through your spiritual journey implies moving closer to having an internal inclination toward witnessing more. For the mind, this can be interpreted as inactivity, as just being more of an observer, disconnected, and less active with life. This can be a natural misunderstanding when the mind still holds concepts in a rigid way. This is very natural and human since the mind is one of the most powerful tools we have learned to rely on—but it’s not where we should live.

Witnessing is never experienced through the mind.

Witnessing happens. It is a space of no action, yet it’s so powerful that it always leads to the highest response in any situation. When we witness, our heart has a natural direction toward the highest action we can take, one that is rooted in a response to life instead of a reaction. It’s always the perfect answer, even if the mind can’t understand or see this. And when you become comfortable in this space, freedom flows through you.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

What is Healing?

Healing is the natural flow of life’s force. Wherever something in nature is hurt, damaged, or requires support, the flow of life moves in that direction. We are discovering more and more how this happens in nature, where all of creation supports this endeavor by the interconnectedness of all beings.

With us, humanity, this also happens naturally. The mind believes it has to push healing, do more, finish the task, and be free of pain. This is not a reality. Whenever something within us needs healing, the whole creation moves to support our journey. You’ll meet people, encounter situations, and have experiences that will move fibers within you that will ignite this process. If you are willing to be humble and surrender to this, life becomes a teacher.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School

How can I open my heart?

Your heart is always available to you. More than it being closed, is that you are focusing your attention elsewhere. The more you focus on your heart, the more you feel and see whatever arises in you; the more energy flows in that direction.

Initially, this would imply a beautiful sense of love and peace, but as you allow your attention to dwell within, emotions and experiences can arise slowly. They might be intense, but if they are arising, it’s because you are equipped to experience them. The more you allow this to happen, the more space you will have within you to experience the Divine and Higher Consciousness.

Prema Bentley | Co-Founder of Sacred Wisdom School


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